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for BEST/WORST of AIRSOFT! Fails, Fights, Cheaters and Epic Moments! *ULTIMATE COMPILATION*

Rhy cool
Rhy cool - 2 years ago
Bro can you make a video of how to play airsoft? Cuz when I grow up I want to play.
Spiral - 2 years ago
They grow up so fast lol
Katie Fornelli
Katie Fornelli - 2 years ago
Sometimes I think it’s because of they actually have bullet proof vests on and they can’t feel it
Daniel - 2 years ago
I remeber once i went to play i got first out cuz they rushed out of nowwhere
Big Cazza
Big Cazza - 2 years ago
number 5 part 1, he called his hit after the dick shot lmao
St3llar - 2 years ago
The guy at 4:20 had a backpack on so might not have felt most of those, it's only when you aimed at his head that he called the hit. Probably not tho, he was probably just a cheater
Josefina Chavez
Josefina Chavez - 2 years ago
Cooool i would do the air soft gun stuff but my mom says it's to brutal :(
Sahora一番 - 2 years ago
If you find a cheater shoot him abt 100 times on the di-
Itz_Syber - 2 years ago
Imagine ghost hunting and you hear guns firing and a grenade

10. comment for BEST/WORST of AIRSOFT! Fails, Fights, Cheaters and Epic Moments! *ULTIMATE COMPILATION*

MONEYBOY512 - 2 years ago
You killed it man! Love your shit!
Fritzie Rayco
Fritzie Rayco - 2 years ago
bluesycobra3850 - 2 years ago
1:49 if this dude was enemy team what i wouldve done is dropped a grenade through the hole when my fist went in the wall
my daily life
my daily life - 2 years ago
#8 is just call of duty gosts
G Λ M Ξ R - 2 years ago
The intro LOl
JustACameraMan - 2 years ago
That kid is to wholesome for this world
Stuart Percival
Stuart Percival - 2 years ago
number 6 kinda deservers that wearing a proud boys t shirt
Alica Ljungberg
Alica Ljungberg - 2 years ago
full auto is so stupid
Viel Benjamin Ong
Viel Benjamin Ong - 2 years ago
Is that silo
Chichi Pagan
Chichi Pagan - 2 years ago
Number 4 was in the right

20. comment for BEST/WORST of AIRSOFT! Fails, Fights, Cheaters and Epic Moments! *ULTIMATE COMPILATION*

Jäger569 Yeet
Jäger569 Yeet - 2 years ago
Me and that kid have the same airsoft mask
adeeb hykal
adeeb hykal - 2 years ago
thats why we should use real bullet to prevent cheaters,jk
Andy Cochrane
Andy Cochrane - 2 years ago
1:47 rainbow 6 be like
- 2 years ago
On number 2, what gun was that kid using? I’m trying to find a gun to use before I go in and was wondering about that one.
neilop ninaadop
neilop ninaadop - 2 years ago
JACK MORGAN - 2 years ago
that one moment when wag is the airsoft mr.beast
Umut berk İlık
Umut berk İlık - 2 years ago
1:35 wait a kid????
Touhami Benahmed
Touhami Benahmed - 2 years ago
That's why u gotta play with water guns.

Btw, when he said "what the beep", I felt it.
Z GamingYt
Z GamingYt - 2 years ago
Rueben Mikoch
Rueben Mikoch - 2 years ago
You are all a bunch of babies

30. comment for BEST/WORST of AIRSOFT! Fails, Fights, Cheaters and Epic Moments! *ULTIMATE COMPILATION*

Randomistic - 2 years ago
I see these airsoft grenades and I just wanted to ask how do they work because I hear the loud bang
nicola martino
nicola martino - 2 years ago
like for the first guy
fat squirrel
fat squirrel - 2 years ago
Airsoft cheaters in army getting hit: oh thats cute
russkydeutsch - 2 years ago
Airsoft players are a joke. Get out of your parent's basement, and join the military instead of thinking you're a bad ass.
Orange Julius
Orange Julius - 2 years ago
Part of the problem I'd that a lot of them can't feel it through the armor/padding that they have.
Mikuo - 2 years ago
who are the people that dislike lol
dim scrim
dim scrim - 2 years ago
Would it be bad to punch a ref and tell him to stfu in that cheating incident
Ark7 - 2 years ago
The clip around the 4:10 mark: the guy was turned away from you and had a backpack of some sort on. it's very likely he didn't feel any of those hits. He felt the ones where you hit his legs though.
Big Cazza
Big Cazza - 2 years ago
he called the shot after it went up his ass lmao
Shaun Hayes
Shaun Hayes - 2 years ago
Yeah agree, he wasn’t cheating though I do find it dumb he’s basically wearing a huge shield on his back and they allowed it in
Gren - 2 years ago
5:27 genade
Trisk Khan
Trisk Khan - 2 years ago
How is that bb give a light effect ? Or is just a camera effect ?
Riley Cook
Riley Cook - 2 years ago
I think the reason that guy with the blue tracer rounds was shooting a kid in the back and he was mad bc he wouldn’t call it was because he probably was wearing a jacket underneath his vest and he felt it when he was shot in the leg
Rose Perez
Rose Perez - 2 years ago
Yo how do get in to airsoft
FTW NZ - 2 years ago
Click bait
Cesar 214
Cesar 214 - 2 years ago
One thing I noticed from watching these videos, air soft players are soft af and get mad like little bitches
Ardee Del Moro
Ardee Del Moro - 2 years ago
Cheaters huh? That's when you switch to a real gun after and just kill them all.
Luke J
Luke J - 2 years ago
8:39 “who the fuck comes to a haunted hospital”
Um… you?
David Gallardo
David Gallardo - 2 years ago
Noooo, poor GoPro
The Yellow Uno Reverse card
The Yellow Uno Reverse card - 2 years ago
number 5 wasn’t cheating, you were only hitting hit markers

this is a joke btw :)
Thomas Rompf
Thomas Rompf - 2 years ago
that ware house map is the one from phantom forces, or the other way around, what going on here?
angel martinez
angel martinez - 2 years ago
Man's full autos his face

50. comment for BEST/WORST of AIRSOFT! Fails, Fights, Cheaters and Epic Moments! *ULTIMATE COMPILATION*

Kayden - 2 years ago
Liam Sforza
Liam Sforza - 2 years ago
Practicing before back to school
Deazzzy Show
Deazzzy Show - 2 years ago
Nr.2 this boy so cute
Riceboy Cruz
Riceboy Cruz - 2 years ago
5:32 OOF! U good??
MoistClaprs - 2 years ago
This shows i have no idea abput airsoft i didnt know they make grenade launchers or normal grenades
jessee odom
jessee odom - 2 years ago
The ref was a pos
Reinhold Schmid
Reinhold Schmid - 2 years ago
The giveaway Aktion on gane is great
The Braptor
The Braptor - 2 years ago
Bunch of cry babies and bitches in this shit . If you don’t wanna play fair don’t play and if you are to much of a bitch to get shot and gonna cry every time you get shot go play some barbies or some Xbox or something
SaltyDoggo - 2 years ago
He clearly has aimbot.
Scarlet Rain
Scarlet Rain - 2 years ago
I'm not necessarily defending the cheaters but in the first clip for number 5 it kind of looks like the guy is wearing a backpack or something like that and maybe he didn't feel it cause when he got shot in the leg he did call his hit, so maybe it's possible he just didn't feel getting shot until he was hit in the leg.
Matias - 2 years ago
Rre tramposos
CommaMatt159 - 2 years ago
Man those graphics look good
WilliamSon Fahim
WilliamSon Fahim - 2 years ago
Gel bullet????
JEFF Please like please
JEFF Please like please - 2 years ago
Number 5 me: yo this da gulag
Hi - 2 years ago
Come on he was afk
D P O - 2 years ago
Lmfao seema like abunch of wanna be tough guys but all babys
Isi Tab
Isi Tab - 2 years ago
Thank you for serving our country. Keep your head high Marine. Semper Fi. The few, the proud, the marines!!!!
Technology - 2 years ago
I got full autod for talking shit to someone and the person knew I was joking. his friend full autod my ass and I shot him on the hand of course one time tho
Gravy lazer
Gravy lazer - 2 years ago
im really trying to get into airsoft
Shalucard - 2 years ago
I saw you guys gang up on the innocent fire.
Flowy - 2 years ago
That Punching Wall dude do be thinking hes play R6
Panagiotis Satsios
Panagiotis Satsios - 2 years ago
Rainbow six siege: 1:44 oryx
afgmccain - 2 years ago
Lol to get that worked up over airsoft
Bishop Arm Wrestling
Bishop Arm Wrestling - 2 years ago
blows my mind how much cooler airsoft ppl are to kids than paintball ppl
Joshua Nsele
Joshua Nsele - 2 years ago
I'm a new subscriber and thanks for the great content my G!!!!

10. I love how he popped out of the smoke grenade and showed that guy who the real nigga is here!!!
saved ink
saved ink - 2 years ago
For by grace you have been saved throught faith and this is not your own doing it is the gift of God so that no one may boast ephesians 2 verse 8-9.........
Jenn Spies
Jenn Spies - 2 years ago
I need a pistol really bad are you still do the give aways?
ZUCK DUCK - 2 years ago
3:24 my marine dad would’ve put that guy in his place
Everything random
Everything random - 2 years ago
How old do u have to be to do that stuf
Y&B Dee
Y&B Dee - 2 years ago
Bro ik I may sound like a b**ch but I hate how real airsoft guns look now a days
ItzyaboiLeroy - 2 years ago
1:00 your a hood guy that prob made his day
Spanken Time
Spanken Time - 2 years ago
Loser ass ref who threw him out for spraying cheaters shouldnt be working there
diab_ low
diab_ low - 2 years ago
How did the fire start
MysticFireX - 2 years ago
I wanna make an airsoft discord server ... Does anyone who plays or wants to play wanna join it
Jabari James
Jabari James - 2 years ago
I had same problem
Got a hit
They never called out
They all cheat
Timka nu
Timka nu - 2 years ago
So u putting same videos in different order in different videos basically same content different name
ItsChrisHere - 2 years ago
the 1st cheater you showed he did not call it hit because yall hiting his bag :/
bryanclaughlin m
bryanclaughlin m - 2 years ago
Hey wag could you help I’m trying to find a good gun that is full/semi auto aeg but I’m having trouble finding a good one for cheap on Amazon
jamal - 2 years ago
I want to play airsoft but cant afford a gun or know how to get one or where to use them
Bee killer
Bee killer - 2 years ago
Sheryl Vidallon
Sheryl Vidallon - 2 years ago
Shesh I want airsoft pistol
Connor Willcox
Connor Willcox - 2 years ago
Refs don't even know their job half the time lmao
Foire à Musique
Foire à Musique - 2 years ago
3:20 no one said out
Zeuson 1
Zeuson 1 - 2 years ago
5:32 that was silo lmao
Bun Thida
Bun Thida - 2 years ago
Is it baby guns toys ?
Toxikyle1 - 2 years ago
Dude what if they made smoke grenades you could throw if you find them and then refs or outside people will bring a loot drop to that part of the course and dip.
Toxikyle1 - 2 years ago
#4 is when I pull out my real gun and they shit themselves when I pop a round off
Vili_123 - 2 years ago
Some times when the gun went brrrrrrrrrrrrt so it sounded like A-10 Warthog
m ccczdc
m ccczdc - 2 years ago
Always listen to the ref ALWAYS
Coool turtle
Coool turtle - 2 years ago
I can definitely see some of the people not knowing they got shot, with all of padding and stuff they might not feel it

100. comment for BEST/WORST of AIRSOFT! Fails, Fights, Cheaters and Epic Moments! *ULTIMATE COMPILATION*

Tobias Givens
Tobias Givens - 2 years ago
Wow 10 out of 10 video
Zachary Windover
Zachary Windover - 2 years ago
For the second clip, thanks for being chill to that kid, and I’m glad the kid and dad weren’t rude. Nice to see wholesome stuff like that.
Ras Cali
Ras Cali - 2 years ago
Best intro
Zach Koehler
Zach Koehler - 2 years ago
Lil guy getting to.use his set up .that's super kind
10ik - 2 years ago
Day 31 of asking for a gun and still don’t have 1 ☹️
Lauren Atwood
Lauren Atwood - 2 years ago
that like phantom forces
Lauren Atwood
Lauren Atwood - 2 years ago
there's a fire I would be so scared
MUI kermit
MUI kermit - 2 years ago
Me it was wen you gave Away you’re buns why because I like people who follows the rules. It would be boring if there were no consequences game rules
chvuo - 2 years ago
Yall really fire fighters
Jordan Paxton
Jordan Paxton - 2 years ago
This intro was fucking hilarious
Iceygamer - 2 years ago
9:30 ayo who called in the cruise missile?
Poison_oak14 - 2 years ago
Take a walk
JOey - 2 years ago
The fact that people tried to stomp out the fire gives me hope in humanity
- 2 years ago
How he just casually says “Yea we have grenades n’ shit”
Zach Cage
Zach Cage - 2 years ago
Ppl that sprint thru blasting everyone
colvinau - 2 years ago
6:05 best part of the video
Noah Meyer
Noah Meyer - 2 years ago
Bro i really wanne play air soft
SkyOczy - 2 years ago
1:51 they really said: “Ok rainbow six real life”
King Wart
King Wart - 2 years ago
Ive never seen a wholesome or even non toxic airsoft gameplay footage on youtube.
Partypool 1
Partypool 1 - 2 years ago
How old is this kid?
Nukas - 2 years ago
i wish i can play this games
shadow Fox
shadow Fox - 2 years ago
The kid has a gun
Dirt Road Bandit
Dirt Road Bandit - 2 years ago
Ngl in number 6 he sounds like Dayton from House Gamers airsoft
Zachary Baughn
Zachary Baughn - 2 years ago
my was #5
Alteal 
Alteal  - 2 years ago
1:42 rainbows six
Dream Breaker Remix Factory OFFICIAL
Dream Breaker Remix Factory OFFICIAL - 2 years ago
At 3:30
I felt like that ref was in there side since he said I don't care yet he was there and didn't tell any of them to call it
Rudacris3 - 2 years ago
Why isn't WAG verified?
Soldat PH
Soldat PH - 2 years ago
When you give kids fake wearpons
Арнат Ш
Арнат Ш - 2 years ago
I love that kid say dont shoot my dad :)
Zizzr - 2 years ago
3rd clip is every r6 player in a nutshell
aye jay
aye jay - 2 years ago
Theres a few abandoned hospitals like that near me people always go, one of em Kings park psych center, is hardcore as fuck lol
Joey Muhanna
Joey Muhanna - 2 years ago
Imagine someone still shooting while there is fire.
Terry Mitchell
Terry Mitchell - 2 years ago
Are you doing a give away because I need a gun because I'm going air soft for my birthday
Tj - 2 years ago
Also I can time my shots correctly so it makes me another marksman on the field
Tj - 2 years ago
I’m a pre teen and if I was in a grown man sport like airsoft I would be a killing machine. I have some sort of power when I know someone is going to pull the trigger which is how I dodge bb’s easily. No cap
Twisstyissad - 2 years ago
On clip 3 I just thought of R6
FennixFake - 2 years ago
Wich weapon do you use
XYG_GetFlexedOn - 2 years ago
What is that gun called
Theapesdontfold - 2 years ago
So cool letting the kid use your gun I would love that as a kid if I was at a game
xtm beats
xtm beats - 2 years ago
Number 4 the way they yeld reff
Extinguisher 1916
Extinguisher 1916 - 2 years ago
And what the hell is the ref gonna do assault him
gavin simmons
gavin simmons - 2 years ago
Olny 2 times I’ve been shot by air soft was behind the ear and on the back of the neck
Masoon? - 2 years ago
Eyo we’re do u play, I’m new to air soft just a got a gun idk what to do now
gabriel lavorin
gabriel lavorin - 2 years ago
I have just released after a year that I saw you at tac city
Kyle Whitfield
Kyle Whitfield - 2 years ago
The second one was just nice
Jack Skudlarek
Jack Skudlarek - 2 years ago
Real talk tho what the fuck is up with the field in clip 4? So many pieces of shit play there. All the worst rage clips ive seen are from there.

Also if you fire back at someone for shooting you, you're just as much as a bad guy as them.
Elite Horror
Elite Horror - 2 years ago
2:56 Jesus that full auto revenge
Synx - 2 years ago
Thier not cheating they just got a good gaming chair
brad lui
brad lui - 2 years ago
some of them might not feel the shot because of the gear so not always cheating
chris warr
chris warr - 2 years ago
Go for headshots if they ain't calling their hits.
starnger Name
starnger Name - 2 years ago
5:14 bro you need a real gun HAHAHA
Definitely Leymon
Definitely Leymon - 2 years ago
Hey guys I'm interested in airsoft and just wondering how much money do I need to start? I wanna save as early as possible.
Dolphinyoin - 2 years ago
I mean you could always just be a rental, at my local field a full day including hire gun, bottle of bbs mask and assault vest is £35, but a decent aeg is probably around £200
gameing bros
gameing bros - 2 years ago
Plot twist the 2nd num5 cheater eas having a sejor
Neilvis - 2 years ago
Ghost at the hospital be like:AYO WTF....ITS IT WW3
Jaran Rotherham
Jaran Rotherham - 2 years ago
I've been watching you for so long now without a account but now that I finally have one I can say how much I love your vids and inspired by you
Warrior - 2 years ago
From experience as someone who played a round, it’s hard to notice getting shot.
I am dumb
I am dumb - 2 years ago
This proves that most people are not able to physically use a real gun
ITS JK15 - 2 years ago
Number 4 would be catastrophic if it was real guns lol
The film and cosplay center
The film and cosplay center - 2 years ago
"feel the burn" "feel the burn"
Cool Airsoft stuff
Cool Airsoft stuff - 2 years ago
Most of the time. “cheaters” just can’t feel the bbs hitting their gear. Most likely since it’s thick
Cool Airsoft stuff
Cool Airsoft stuff - 2 years ago
I said most of the time. By that I mean sometimes. This is because some airsofters wear outrageous protections and cannot feel bbs hitting it. Especially if they have back gear
George Bamber
George Bamber - 2 years ago
4:10 the guy just didn't feel it
jamie - 2 years ago
I liked the one where you gave gun to kid made his day was really nice to see that
LEE YEREX - 2 years ago
I wish I was 20 years younger so I could do this
LEE YEREX - 2 years ago
@片思い none of my friends would as there all to busy playing golf or working 24/7 for a house.
片思い - 2 years ago
Grab some friends and go play some.
The Chill
The Chill - 2 years ago
It's just not on hard-core team deathmatch bro.
GamingDoge 231
GamingDoge 231 - 2 years ago
I think that it’s really funny to see a cheater get hit not call and move back hoping people think they “dodged” the bbs
Darth Plonkus
Darth Plonkus - 2 years ago
Bro my dad uses those gloves for biking like the same kind exactly
Nyorito - 2 years ago
Pretty bold of you to wave your gun near the fire
that gaming guy231
that gaming guy231 - 2 years ago
How old do you have to be to play this
Jesse Corpus Munńoz
Jesse Corpus Munńoz - 2 years ago
Was that Victorville’s Airbase? Man that’s sick, you guys hear or see anything?
Rafael. Floriano
Rafael. Floriano - 2 years ago
Dam that was so cool
Travis Anderson
Travis Anderson - 2 years ago
What happens if you shoot each other at the same time are you both out
ImDudePRO - 2 years ago
id love to host some like this and do events and shi and for those that cheat with video proof. We all pause the game and light him up from head to toe.. I dont give a f.
Proneet Ghosh
Proneet Ghosh - 2 years ago
wish i could have an airsoft gun
sacramentoguy2 - 2 years ago
What gun did you let that little kid use? You say it so fast I can’t understand haha
Spider-Man - 2 years ago
I saw a abandoned insaneusileum
Karma Christopher
Karma Christopher - 2 years ago
do you know where those places are
John Unger
John Unger - 2 years ago
You guys should try paintball
Charger - 2 years ago
number 5 angered me so much
LovinPitbull - 2 years ago
Where can I join this
pp pp
pp pp - 2 years ago
Loll gay
joel F.G
joel F.G - 2 years ago
imagine someone buys a real flash bang and trhows it middle field
CaptainPasta - 2 years ago
High ping Vs high ping 1 of them lose HE IS CHEATING
Elliott Lopez
Elliott Lopez - 2 years ago
After you gave the guy the pistol his freind was trying to get someone out
ᛟᚦᚨᛚᚨ - 2 years ago
LMfao the tourette's guy ''FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK'' at the end
XDreemur 999
XDreemur 999 - 2 years ago
1:41 Rainbow Six in real life be like:
Coty Bechtel
Coty Bechtel - 2 years ago
For anyone who wants to know the location of that hospital… it is in Adelanto California. About 5 miles from my house…. Anyone wanna get a game get at me !!!
FUSION_PANDA - 2 years ago
What’s that thing on the barrel of his gun with the glowing ring around what I assume is a button
mexican crusader
mexican crusader - 2 years ago
Shouldve done an OH YEAH koolaid man joke
Prod. Nuski
Prod. Nuski - 2 years ago
I think 4:03 his backpack or something made him not feel it, he had 0 reaction
mine life
mine life - 2 years ago
2:00 so they added aruni from rainbow six siege?
CHUNG Johnson
CHUNG Johnson - 2 years ago
I think the guy in the 5 can't feel anything because of a thing at his back,I think
Graham Watkins
Graham Watkins - 2 years ago
Some absolute nerds
lmaodude - 2 years ago
airsoft players are so fucking pathetic,
Corona time
Corona time - 2 years ago
its only game, why you hef to be med
Corona time
Corona time - 2 years ago
imagine having a airsoft rpg
I actually started playing airsoft recently, it was at a Evike outpost. I thought it was really cool and want to do it again, does sting tho.
G - 2 years ago
I love how he starts beating the shit out the fire with his gun
片思い - 2 years ago
Making sure the fire knows who‘s the boss.
K B - 2 years ago
#2 you are such a nice person
Vector - 2 years ago
full autoed in the back of the head, responds with 30 mil gau rounds
CrosbydevgruYT - 2 years ago
When cheaters in games that became a predictable:
hugh gerection
hugh gerection - 2 years ago
when i was 12 i didnt take my shots, so these men are just pricks
AllNDoorz - 2 years ago
what type of gun where u using in the first video with the fire??
R1ft_ - 2 years ago
They just have good gaming chairs
Ty-Ty Thomas
Ty-Ty Thomas - 2 years ago
This looks fun
Ty-Ty Thomas
Ty-Ty Thomas - 2 years ago
I wish I could play this
justpantera - 2 years ago
Pls sub to justpantera
ItsMeCharlie - 2 years ago
man in number 3 i think some players are playing too much R6S lmao
The SmithKids
The SmithKids - 2 years ago
This man be using chlorophyte bullets
Larry Weaver
Larry Weaver - 2 years ago
#4 part 2: the three guys and the ref were black and the shooter was white that is racist of the ref
Austin Wilson
Austin Wilson - 2 years ago
#3 is actually same guy as #4. Both sides got recorded for once, and no one was in the right in this situation lmfao dude just full autoed in front of ref so he was singled out and IIRC banned.
jd boov
jd boov - 2 years ago
Airsoft is filled with cheaters, whiners and assholes.
Andre Mittelmann
Andre Mittelmann - 2 years ago
give a lowkick to relax the situation^^
QualityPen - 2 years ago
These cheater videos are just a normal day at Gamepod. Fucking hate that place, but the Bay Area has very few fields within driving distance.
rybladi - 2 years ago
funny story one time this guy didn’t call his his when I was like 15 feet away so when he didn’t call I got a grenade and put it under him
soldier D yates
soldier D yates - 2 years ago
Love the give away good stuff
Andrew Pelicash
Andrew Pelicash - 2 years ago
Don’t shoot my dad
Charlie Amezquita
Charlie Amezquita - 2 years ago
︎ ︎
NotAzeo - 2 years ago
3:25, you can hear someone say he needs some milk
Turki - 2 years ago
What pistol is that in clip number 7
e_op - 2 years ago
"the wall was very thin" CODM MOMENTS
DapperGhost - 2 years ago
christ, punching holes in the walls more like rainbow 6
Cardin Vuong
Cardin Vuong - 2 years ago
Breaks the wall and karambits them straight in the mask
I C - 2 years ago
1:49 Rainbow Six siege up in this bih!
Dat1Boi - 2 years ago
Me: gets angry at my teammates and full autos them
Everyone else in the army:
Artjom - 2 years ago
I cant believe these guy's gaming chairs
Rrog - 2 years ago
This guy is pretty good but I don’t know why he never used his ultimate move like cmon now just Novabomb it’s a easy 5 kills.
Matthew Skudzienski
Matthew Skudzienski - 2 years ago
There’s rules a different in airsoft

No swearing, no fighting, no cheating, no Arguing, no pushing, no angry Yelling and no Hitting the faces
TriKurrDurrHALLOWEEN - 2 years ago
`` Don't shoot my dad! ``
That's fucking wholesome, there's no bond stronger than father & son.
I nut you nut everyone nuts
I nut you nut everyone nuts - 2 years ago
yo for the cheating clips you would easily have had 10k points in a cod zombies match combined.
Dude man 9000
Dude man 9000 - 2 years ago
I want to play airsoft with my friend I shot him in the face on accident and it was just laying there and I haven’t heard from him ever since
JoshyAnimations - 2 years ago
I shot all of you"
Enemys move in very high ping remeber
Got Dem Snipes
Got Dem Snipes - 2 years ago
The damage havent loaded in because of ping
Varun Krishna
Varun Krishna - 2 years ago
Lol these nerds rage irl
Yeet Boy
Yeet Boy - 2 years ago
Is Silo a good friend or something?
Fer De Luca
Fer De Luca - 2 years ago
This is great, great way to treat a kid!! Awasome
Board is board
Board is board - 2 years ago
For number 4 all I can say is THE LESSON IS CALL YOUR HITS
Laza Veselinovic
Laza Veselinovic - 2 years ago
At 6 was you ok after it?
Joshua Webb
Joshua Webb - 2 years ago
Th would recommend 10 out of 10 makes me curious
xAlvn - 2 years ago
mans a real 1man squad
WESLEY ARSENAULT - 2 years ago
I feel so bad for the first person that hit their funny bone
christian swartz
christian swartz - 2 years ago
Shit his GoPro out lol
DepressoWithEspresso jk
DepressoWithEspresso jk - 2 years ago
if your doing a give away can i have a pistol like you where talking about how you gave one away with tracer rounds its august 16 and my birthday was august 15.
Wilson Silveira
Wilson Silveira - 2 years ago
Rip f
tank times
tank times - 2 years ago
4 is horrible
SinglePhoenix - 2 years ago
3:09 to be fair I would be fucking pissed. How is he gonna get thrown out but lets the other people cheat..?
Brent Tully
Brent Tully - 2 years ago
Nice airsoft gun.
SnicelOP - 2 years ago
Am on ma kin ven am begin caz aj dont wana lus juuu
nathan catterall
nathan catterall - 2 years ago
the 3rd clip is like playing siege
Novi - 2 years ago
7:50 5'11 vs 6'0
Tucker Welty
Tucker Welty - 2 years ago
That giveaway was really cool fr
Gab Bob
Gab Bob - 2 years ago
Sad but funny
FullOfNoodle - 2 years ago
The cheaters are the laggy one like on call of duty or any fps game
zaracuata - 2 years ago
amigo soy el callado del salon y estoy arto gracias no es cierto
Yancy Hernandez
Yancy Hernandez - 2 years ago
wait was he yelling at you too for #4?
GGamble_Tac - 2 years ago
speed QB = GAY
Lildarkfoxy - 2 years ago
Pov: your up against a rainbow six player
MeVeryThankYou - 2 years ago
it wouldve been hilarious if started toying with the ghost hunters
Nathan Stransky
Nathan Stransky - 2 years ago
They have had high ping in vr
Nathan Stransky
Nathan Stransky - 2 years ago
Sik Lifted
Sik Lifted - 2 years ago
Call out when hit and there's no problem
〃Vela〃 - 2 years ago
Number one lesson beat fires-
Sean Collins
Sean Collins - 2 years ago
7:08 you can the white shirt kid wants one so bad
Jose Perez
Jose Perez - 2 years ago
Can I get one and where can i get one
Ok Bud
Ok Bud - 2 years ago
Just pack a couple live rounds and that would really do the trick
1stClassMedia - 2 years ago
Fool really tried to stomp it out. All that larping and no camel back lolol
Ryan Hewison
Ryan Hewison - 2 years ago
Host advantage
Jacob Fullar
Jacob Fullar - 2 years ago
If these were actual firearms, the world would be devoid of all life by now due to the stupidity of what we call the superior race. No offense to humanity lol
Jeffrey Huerta
Jeffrey Huerta - 2 years ago
DeltaDario24 - 2 years ago
Use the kolibri as ur secondary
Liam Desness
Liam Desness - 2 years ago
Just throw a grenade in the fire
Keys Gaming
Keys Gaming - 2 years ago
Nah those guys aren't cheating, they're just wearing military grade pillows so they can't feel the bullets and cant call hits
95thRiflesOCI - 2 years ago
2:06 shooting people when hes already out on the right.
aPairOfSocks - 2 years ago
Number 6: Why would you possibly shoot someone that close while using that??????
Tenshoranbu - 2 years ago
why did he do that little kid like that XD ready to slay some thots lmfao
samoorai - 2 years ago
The guy in the white hoody was just begging for it lol
youeatapples - 2 years ago
so if a ref kicks you off the field what happens if you just dump a whole mag on homies unprotected face? you’re already banned so like?
Richard Treptow
Richard Treptow - 2 years ago
I need a b.b. gun that will kill a small gray mouse but not explode them. Any recommendations? My trailer is infested. And something cheep because I'm broke.
Tyler D.
Tyler D. - 2 years ago
Paintball has less cheaters.
Marcos Alvarez
Marcos Alvarez - 2 years ago
That’s dope bro can I have a gun pistol plz I’m so poor plz
Mu_d - 2 years ago
2:00 real life r6
Choppi - 2 years ago
i wanna try airsoft does it hurt?
Alex West
Alex West - 2 years ago
Number 7 makes me happy
Allen D
Allen D - 2 years ago
People really just want excuses to go full auto.
Fear Snipez
Fear Snipez - 2 years ago
Number 3 is rainbow 6 siege
Darwinian Glitch
Darwinian Glitch - 2 years ago
8 Makes me want an SCP simulation.
Noah Wilson
Noah Wilson - 2 years ago
Hey I have a question what would a good Airsoft starter gun would be good for a kid
Jared Thompson
Jared Thompson - 2 years ago
Ha..... we got grenades an shit......
Grqfes - 2 years ago
the giveaway one is such a cool idea like shiet idk why more airsoft ytbers dont do that
Xxwolf nya~xX
Xxwolf nya~xX - 2 years ago
They have really fast reflexes
Waluigi Number One
Waluigi Number One - 2 years ago
I kinda want to play airsoft
But I will find a way to get a airsoft sten gun mk5
Aranu - 2 years ago
this is why gun laws need to be better, dude just literally firing cause hes having tantrums
Avris - 2 years ago
that SAI QD rail on clip 6 is sick
Dshoopy - 2 years ago
Imagine throwing a smoke grenade into a dry field.
Xsm2008 - 2 years ago
Intro: Shoots Crack sticks Trips AHHHHHHHHHHHH "You good?" "NAH DO I LOOK LIKE I AM GOOD" hahah
Karen Of Hell
Karen Of Hell - 2 years ago
Wow he must have a really good gaming chair to be that good
Mateusz Barylak
Mateusz Barylak - 2 years ago
The kid is just wholesome, just saying "don't shoot my dad"
Mateusz Barylak
Mateusz Barylak - 2 years ago
@ThatSinister1 agreed
ThatSinister1 - 2 years ago
the best american
agent jay classified
agent jay classified - 2 years ago
In clip #6 that was a M32 gernade launcher
Alice In A Day Dream
Alice In A Day Dream - 2 years ago
Yo bro I am wheezing that's my family and video 8 they had gone without me ghost hunting and they told me they ran into some guys playing air soft my mom's trying to bargain with you all I'm crying George Air Force Base right! omg I'm so sorry XD I told them to leave if there was people on field. I was on the phone with the guy in the camo shirt at the time (my dad)
King H3AV3N
King H3AV3N - 2 years ago
Clip 5 that guy uses god mode
random HUMAN
random HUMAN - 2 years ago
bro if i was the guy fisting the wall i woulda dropped a nade
アヘ顔大好き!!! - 2 years ago
kid : dont shoot my dad!
dad : don shoot my son!
Berseli - 2 years ago
The guy around 4:25 I think he just didn't feel it when he got shot on the vest and didn't intentionally cheat
Brendan Tester
Brendan Tester - 2 years ago
When you play somewhere like an abandoned hospital its good to have a first aid kit... its always good to have one but especially when there's a possibility of injury
Brendan Tester
Brendan Tester - 2 years ago
@Lazarus the Atv which us why you always carry first aid... I even carry it if I plan to walk around its just a good tool to have
Lazarus the Atv
Lazarus the Atv - 2 years ago
There is always possibility of injury when it comes to airsoft
Lazykitten Pro gamer
Lazykitten Pro gamer - 2 years ago
the first one wasn't cheating he has a backpack on and it hit in the backpack the whole time until it hit in the leg then I called it
Tygo Koelman
Tygo Koelman - 2 years ago
f for the gopro
RL Ilja
RL Ilja - 2 years ago
How much joule have your weapon?
I really do I hate lol
I really do I hate lol - 2 years ago
4:08 My dude just time out
Grakengaur - 2 years ago
it's funny how the ghost shows up and literally get's shot at poor ghost death undefined
FAKEROCKDRAKE IV - 2 years ago
Watching this while I wait for August 8th, the date of my first airsoft match, hyped
Lazarus the Atv
Lazarus the Atv - 2 years ago
FAKEROCKDRAKE IV last time I played was the 7th. Half the day I couldn’t see because my glasses kept fogging. But my goggles stayed mostly clear.
FAKEROCKDRAKE IV - 2 years ago
@Lazarus the Atv absolutely brilliant, had a game on the 14th too, I now have 2 airsoft guns lol
Lazarus the Atv
Lazarus the Atv - 2 years ago
Well it’s after August 8. How was your first match
Charlie Fitzpatrick
Charlie Fitzpatrick - 2 years ago
Good luck man enjoy
Nosam - 2 years ago
He got a good mouse 4:10
Limanplys - 2 years ago
The noise of the gun when he goes full auto
DriftExotic1226 ########
DriftExotic1226 ######## - 2 years ago
1:45 he playin rainbow six siege
bonnie the bunny
bonnie the bunny - 2 years ago
the first video on airsoft i was like i went up to my mom and asked for a airsoft pistol cuz i like army
Evan Tindall
Evan Tindall - 2 years ago
They aren’t cheating they’re just not playing fair
maskedgoat - 2 years ago
who else saw the video where the other person was trying out guns and got him
AnAltAccount - 2 years ago
In both number 4 clips, the guy who full autoed was 1000000% in the right
Andrew Valencia
Andrew Valencia - 2 years ago
I like
Goliver1234 Rosenlund
Goliver1234 Rosenlund - 2 years ago
How Old must you be to play airsoft
deimos' torment
deimos' torment - 2 years ago
2:05 I feel bad for that supra
Cole Baugh
Cole Baugh - 2 years ago
when you gave away the pistol, that mans friend got so jealous bc he didn’t get one
Thegr8beast2007 - 2 years ago
A dead guy Full autoing someone is the real life equivalent of shooting a dead body
Beybaris Sultan
Beybaris Sultan - 2 years ago
Ля у них по интереснее страйкбол чем у нас
Spoderman Dragonlore
Spoderman Dragonlore - 2 years ago
Number 6 was just as dumb as the other ones… playing airsoft in the hood be like
09hero99 - 2 years ago
Imma start stalking this guy and one day I will get to use his gun……

Angel Dust
Angel Dust - 2 years ago
1:52 Rainbow Six Siege players be like
Lars - 2 years ago
Airsoft in the states is so childish… in Europe we play with respect. Mostly bc there are no children cuz it’s mostly 18+
DaxelTV - 2 years ago
Are these your clips?
Eimear Mahoney
Eimear Mahoney - 2 years ago
I think you hit him in his hpa 6
Narrator - 2 years ago
airsoft the adult nerf
Olivier Łyczko
Olivier Łyczko - 2 years ago
4:06 kid had some trash internet conection
Jayden Houth
Jayden Houth - 2 years ago
Arp 9
caaleb - 2 years ago
It's been a year sense you post
Jeromy Cofield
Jeromy Cofield - 2 years ago
can i get a gun
morelazyboi gaming XDNRG
morelazyboi gaming XDNRG - 2 years ago
Sup I’m New To This Channel
MAGE ? - 2 years ago
I'm 12 so u don't have to help me and I u don't like what I'm about to say than just don't reply to me
Sabir Dinero
Sabir Dinero - 2 years ago
How can i do this in my area?? This the littest shit I’ve ever seen
Sabir Dinero
Sabir Dinero - 2 years ago
Rl life “safe” warzone
F4eR_aka - 2 years ago
1:50 is he ok the fists. Tho went like
Cash Hegs
Cash Hegs - 2 years ago
Life tutorials : getting shot dead ranged with a rocket launcher recommend recommend
Kids watching : oh yea I wanna gun fight with my friends
Also the kid : can I get a rocket launcher
Dad : yes
Them playing gunfight : “explosion”
SantiagoKR - 2 years ago
Bro when r u gonna get verified?
Hot Rod
Hot Rod - 2 years ago
The second clip in 4 u can see a little kid on the wall where he full autoed
crocs.locked - 2 years ago
What do people gain from not calling their hits
TM26 Slippy
TM26 Slippy - 2 years ago
That was super happy, as a kid we always told eachother stories of trying out epic things
KaiserLuch - 2 years ago
Wag coming back saying genade launcher
Vibe Check
Vibe Check - 2 years ago
Number 3 is straight up rainbow six
Víctor Vazquez
Víctor Vazquez - 2 years ago
You sound like fearless
George Schaefer
George Schaefer - 2 years ago
Bunch of simps that want to play make believe
Alisha Boggs
Alisha Boggs - 2 years ago
konekoBarasket, basically your average vrchat user
konekoBarasket, basically your average vrchat user - 2 years ago
refs: oh I see that 6 players in front of me are being shot and not calling there hits, doesn't matter its fine

also ref: HEY YOU USED FULL AUTO GET OUT OF MY BUILDING (even though you normally shot the players and they didn't call there hits before)
shadow army
shadow army - 2 years ago
When I first did airsoft I did pretty good then at the end I got shoot right in the chest
Panda _Ro
Panda _Ro - 2 years ago
In 4. After that dude hit him in the back after he was out, I would just neck hit him.
Eli - 2 years ago
If I was ever in airsoft I probably would get kicked out for pistol whipping someone
Brotherhood on Xbox
Brotherhood on Xbox - 2 years ago
Just nut shot the cheaters so they fall on the floor so you know you hit them
thatsinglegamer - 2 years ago
4:07 the guy wasn't cheating he was just lagging and that's why it looked like he was there but he was not
Colton Nemitz
Colton Nemitz - 2 years ago
The fourth ones were speedsofter moments as hell
MJ_Songs - 2 years ago
I like dot shoot my dad
Cody AJ
Cody AJ - 2 years ago
Wasn’t there a guy in the haunted hospital that fell down an elevator shaft
Alba Mata
Alba Mata - 2 years ago
Imagine if someone just burst through the wall like the kool aid man and said”OH YEA”
STILL ELDEST - 2 years ago
I got sniped on my butt 3's pain
Slade and Mac It
Slade and Mac It - 2 years ago
Yo wag I’m a huge fan I love airsoft but I don’t have a gun.
I leave mean comments
I leave mean comments - 2 years ago
A good way to tell if someone is literally retarded is to ask if they believe in ghosts. If they say yes, they're literally retarded.
D J - 2 years ago
abduladim11 R̵̩̚L̷̲͛X̷̣̚
abduladim11 R̵̩̚L̷̲͛X̷̣̚ - 2 years ago
Brownie Sundown
Brownie Sundown - 2 years ago
It's so funny when they cut to the third-party recording for 4 and you see he's just some chubby loser with no temper lmao
HamSandwich - 2 years ago
Ok to be fair #5 that kid was wearing a backpack and it was loud over there, also since he didnt even flinch every time that he got shot im thinking he just wasnt feelin that
StardenTheStar - 2 years ago
0:58 best part in the vid
TRD - 2 years ago
OMG... 30 players shoot at 1 player full auto !!! ;)
thebirdbrand - 2 years ago
Fish love airport players
Damon Thomas
Damon Thomas - 2 years ago
How do I sign up
AJ Ford-Arausa
AJ Ford-Arausa - 2 years ago
Lol ready to slay some thots is the best
AJ Ford-Arausa
AJ Ford-Arausa - 2 years ago
Super snake 779
Super snake 779 - 2 years ago
This guy on controller
Rhys Bruning
Rhys Bruning - 2 years ago
Shitty ref on the clip around 2:30, fucking punish the one guy playing the game correctly, not the 5 dipshits who refused to call hits until he put that shit on full, they’re bb’s they wont fucking kill you. Pussies
mushroom 0006
mushroom 0006 - 2 years ago
"Don't shot to my dad" xDDD
Darren Boxhall
Darren Boxhall - 2 years ago
Is there a program your using for the hit markers? Or are you adding then all manually
Justin Gandy
Justin Gandy - 2 years ago
Sometimes the armor wear is so thick you cant feel it
donald bulley
donald bulley - 2 years ago
the no call outs is why i like paint ball better.
Justin lee
Justin lee - 2 years ago
in number 4 the ref needs to be kick out
and your the best letting a kid try a gun
UNKNOWN UNKNOWN - 2 years ago
That man was playing R6 when he broke that wall
artifaxx - 2 years ago
Clip number 4 idk who was salty I think they both are
Sir. Engelbertz
Sir. Engelbertz - 2 years ago
Point 2 was very very sweet and friendly =)
Zero Two
Zero Two - 2 years ago
F for the go pro
Phillip Frawley
Phillip Frawley - 2 years ago
Real life lag switch
muffin man
muffin man - 2 years ago
So what if you have a hair trigger and a god finger? You allowed to fire as fast as you can?
green - 2 years ago
Screaming is fucking annoying
ALEX - 2 years ago
5:40 welcome to the club
Kieran Murphy
Kieran Murphy - 2 years ago
number 1=firefighter wag
Wa - 2 years ago
Knifes would be better vs cheaters, if they dont call hit stab them harder
Nate Hallam
Nate Hallam - 2 years ago
redneck king
redneck king - 2 years ago
Where do you get your air soft guns
A7JW - 2 years ago
if you get angry because your being shot at, at airsoft or paintballing why bother going? people take things way to seriously, its a casual game of airsoft not a world championship
BigBenMK - 2 years ago
What pistol is that on the 7th clip
Wyatt McKinley
Wyatt McKinley - 2 years ago
Haha George Air Force base my dad worked there back in the day fun place to explore
Snakecraft - 2 years ago
He needs some milk
- 2 years ago
I’m pretty sure the screaming guy at the start is actually a guy being Fu$ked by a big
Nate Hallam
Nate Hallam - 2 years ago
dont shoot my dad
BRMRACING888 - 2 years ago
david venezia
david venezia - 2 years ago
doesn't that shit hurt when u get hit in the leg or elbow
Cameron Currie
Cameron Currie - 2 years ago
Can you give away airsoft pistol to my brother he has a collection but he got cancer he's in the hospital know but I wanted to help him add more guns to his collection I beat he would be pretty happy.
Alympik Society
Alympik Society - 2 years ago
Can someone tell me what make and model is the gun he lend the kid
Kotsos Kozanidis
Kotsos Kozanidis - 2 years ago
in clip 7 what weapon was he holding?
Crewdogsy - 2 years ago
Num 4 he had legit aimbot
Joisarri The Small
Joisarri The Small - 2 years ago
Grenade launcher is actually a fookin shotgun da hell
Logan52s - 2 years ago
I liked the part where people were cheating right in front of the ref but he got all aggressive towards you hope he was fired.
Jordan rock
Jordan rock - 2 years ago
Should've put the fire out with full auto.
Klynt P
Klynt P - 2 years ago
0:24 this sounds like that one episode that Daddy Pig's trying to have a barbecue and he keeps calling the firefighters and there's an actual fire and then his friends yell fire fire
Sage_ OGK
Sage_ OGK - 2 years ago
Making shore I'm alive
Quinntin Mcclarnon
Quinntin Mcclarnon - 2 years ago
Bro on god tho if a bunch of retards don’t call that there hit ima full auto them then when that ref got all mad he shoulda knocked him Tf out
T0XIC D00M - 2 years ago
#3 over there playing r6 lmao
Radiakk's biggest fan
Radiakk's biggest fan - 2 years ago
The only way to win a airsoft game is bring a knife to this gun fight
Taylor Blair
Taylor Blair - 2 years ago
I've been wanting to get into airsoft so bad, but idk places here in TX or even what gear to start out with...
Lazarus the Atv
Lazarus the Atv - 2 years ago
Probably a bit late by this point but you definitely need a gun and face protection. Eventually you will want to carry more ammo so you will need a vest or something with pockets for magazines. I would also recommend gloves and neck protection
iverson jaucian
iverson jaucian - 2 years ago
So cool man iwish i have money to try those things and iwish my dad was still alive
Steevvee - 2 years ago
alot of these are cause people wearing fucking full body armour so they have no idea when they get hit or not its stupid.
Nathan Kendall
Nathan Kendall - 2 years ago
It’s like call of duty for girls.
Only Positive Vibes
Only Positive Vibes - 2 years ago
Istg after hitting them a couple of times i would just slowly walk up to them and kick them over asking them if they felt that?
_-_ - 2 years ago
coming from a soccer play and the first clip when he fell on his shins made me cring rip his shins
Fenix - 2 years ago
Fucking camper was the worst
SlladowsRealm - 2 years ago
With all that stuff they have on can u actually feel a airsoft ball
daniel leyva
daniel leyva - 2 years ago
Faith in humanity restored because this guy let a little kid use his gun for a round or two ..
Lachlan Barry
Lachlan Barry - 2 years ago
3.19 its warhouse from phantom forces
LawreneGummy - 2 years ago
They aren't cheating. They're just that hard to kill.
Jaxon Noftall
Jaxon Noftall - 2 years ago
I made a fire like that before by accident when I was with my friends and I just got soaked and rolled on it and it went out
Jack Knauf4days
Jack Knauf4days - 2 years ago
The funniest clip was clip 8. The way he says were in an " anti ghost zone" that was funny AF.
The MaskedGamer
The MaskedGamer - 2 years ago
Stfu dream stan
The Bandala's Ph
The Bandala's Ph - 2 years ago
People are cheating ang lagging
Youtubers: what
The Bandala's Ph
The Bandala's Ph - 2 years ago
People are cheating ang lagging
Youtubers: what
Vulpines Legacy
Vulpines Legacy - 2 years ago
you have nice hands
Liam reynolds
Liam reynolds - 2 years ago
A highly frowned upon way of dealing with people who don't call their hits if at a distance? High FPS BBs...
ExoticWaffles - 2 years ago
4:05 the guy didnt feel it cuz he was getting shot in the backpack, so it was accidental cheating
Seid ihr das Essen? Nein, wir sind der Jäger!
Seid ihr das Essen? Nein, wir sind der Jäger! - 2 years ago
How much was the dsg arp9
Red - 2 years ago
At number 5 what is that blue flashing ring on his gun
Gwapo Exoticz
Gwapo Exoticz - 2 years ago
"Look at him go"
Mark Ramond
Mark Ramond - 2 years ago
I'm more concerned with the ghost player who disappears at 4:43
Patrick R
Patrick R - 2 years ago
Jesus Christ these people are so lame. Plastic bbs don’t hurt
Maydelin Penate
Maydelin Penate - 2 years ago
for number 9 the man was sending in a loadout drop
i Love Bacalao
i Love Bacalao - 2 years ago
Who the hell uses grenade launcher that close
CD64 - 2 years ago
Imagine being so nice in airsoft. Respect
no no
no no - 2 years ago
the ref in #4 is stupid
James Wilker
James Wilker - 2 years ago
number seven by far
GBNoobTown - 2 years ago
Geoff Gillingsbergh
Geoff Gillingsbergh - 2 years ago
I stick to laser tag!
Joshua Matthias
Joshua Matthias - 2 years ago
Table Entertainment
Table Entertainment - 2 years ago
Everybody gangster till the kid gets a vtol
Table Entertainment
Table Entertainment - 2 years ago
Thinking about starting airsoft soon!
Allen Ychiro K. Makalintal
Allen Ychiro K. Makalintal - 2 years ago
Times when the bb was glowing looked like sneks
Samantha Baptistel
Samantha Baptistel - 2 years ago
How to join the community
Don'tBlink - 2 years ago
lol that ref is the worst none of them called it. This is the worst part about airsoft. Honesty you know the guy is in the wrong when he says I don't care.
KriSTiAn olsen
KriSTiAn olsen - 2 years ago
1:50 it's r6s:D
koumi postpone
koumi postpone - 2 years ago
Some guys taking airsoft games TOO seriously.
It's a game. If you want to be serious, join military.
armando laberetta
armando laberetta - 2 years ago
Big Sosa Dope
Big Sosa Dope - 2 years ago
That’s very irresponsible to let your kid play airsoft
Dark - 2 years ago
They aren’t cheating, they have a good gaming chair
Creative Galaxy
Creative Galaxy - 2 years ago
What game is this I want to buy it.
robin newman
robin newman - 2 years ago
What website did you get your sniper from
Downloaded God mode
Downloaded God mode - 2 years ago
What that kid looked like he was 7 yet I can’t play till I’m 18
YoSolar - 2 years ago
The guy in number 4 clip is very stupid.
PocoFlolf Fire Safety And EAS
PocoFlolf Fire Safety And EAS - 2 years ago
7:36 cod ghost irl
Jet8405 - 2 years ago
I don’t play air soft but I want to and I just wanna say why the hell would you not call hits. I assume you would cheat to stay in but I wouldn’t want to get hit 398 more times after the first shot hit me because the enemy got mad
Hoodie Marques
Hoodie Marques - 2 years ago
Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. If anyone wants to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross,and be following Me.For whoever wants to save his life will lose it. But whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.For what will a person be profited if he gains the whole world, but forfeits his soul? Or what will a person give in-exchange-for his life? For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” YOU CAN BE FORGIVEN FOR ALL YOUR SINS NO MATTER WHAT YOU DID GOD HAS INFINITE MERCY AND GRACE AND LOVE FOR YOU IF YOU REPENT AND TURN FROM YOUR WICKED WAYS AND PUT YOUR FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST . If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.”THE KING IS COMING BACK, IF YOU MISS HEAVEN YOU WONT MISS THE LAKE OF FIRE REPENT
Seid ihr das Essen? Nein, wir sind der Jäger!
Seid ihr das Essen? Nein, wir sind der Jäger! - 2 years ago
Just asking I'm about to buy an arp 9 is it worth it? And fire rate.
Joshua Kael Ceria
Joshua Kael Ceria - 2 years ago
Raiden Yang
Raiden Yang - 2 years ago
Love that that one guy said he need some mike in the back
Katy N
Katy N - 2 years ago
Number 5
Kalcium - 2 years ago
Mad respect for this lad on letting a kid use his gun and have a great time.
ThatSinister1 - 2 years ago
the best american
darkwolf A.K.A darkknight
darkwolf A.K.A darkknight - 2 years ago
R.I.P gopro at the end
Mohid Sultan
Mohid Sultan - 2 years ago
Airsoft just reminds me of cod lobby’s
Slow Mojoe gaming
Slow Mojoe gaming - 2 years ago
Bruh how do they have a celica chilling in video #4
Nathan Jones
Nathan Jones - 2 years ago
imagine one of the dudes ramming there gun in the wall and going full auto (like a mounted turret)
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C - 2 years ago
1:31 I kill myself the "don't shoot My dad" how cute
Cassster - 2 years ago
just killed a women...
Hepatitis C
Hepatitis C - 2 years ago
mr meet
mr meet - 2 years ago
giwe me air soft gun
Batman42 - 2 years ago
Hey just here to say great content keep up the good work but I ask everyone to keep me and my family in y'all's prayers my mom committed suicide Saturday so ask just keep us in your prayers
DAN GIL BALUGO - 2 years ago
number 3 is so funny when you stands in the wall and someone punch it xd
Gavin Hoppe
Gavin Hoppe - 2 years ago
I’ve never played how do people know they are hit
John daniel O'cheek
John daniel O'cheek - 2 years ago
awesome content bro
ホロライブにハマったれおぉ - 2 years ago
Rick Armstrong
Rick Armstrong - 2 years ago
Not gonna lie, this shit looks fun. But I would feel like such a goober participating in this lol
Marine biologist
Marine biologist - 2 years ago
There was a fire on my field as well and I was like what do I do do I shoot the fire
Deadman's deed
Deadman's deed - 2 years ago
Ples lemme I’m horni in delhi


No 69 becoz 69 is taken

Ples send the bob and vugum
Doom Slayer
Doom Slayer - 2 years ago
That little kid was funny.
"Dont shoot my dad!"
Matthew Ritterson
Matthew Ritterson - 2 years ago
Me shooting at someone in war zone 4:06
king tachanka-HUN
king tachanka-HUN - 2 years ago
bro at the 4rth vid he was mad bcuz they didnt called the
offcours they didnt bro that was a spawn they didnt need to call there
Eddy Mortera
Eddy Mortera - 2 years ago
I would knock out these refs/bitch players. Probably why i don’t play airsoft
madshocky - 2 years ago
What airesoft gun do you use?
Xamenite - 2 years ago
New subscriber! t
your content is amazing
familia silva
familia silva - 2 years ago
Muito top gostei muito
O que vc acho do meu vídeo?
Rome Duffy
Rome Duffy - 2 years ago
NotLoganJPEG - 2 years ago
1:52 Rainbow Six be like:
- 2 years ago
What pistol is that at 6:12
ICYDRAGON - 2 years ago
Do you use green gas I’m trying to buy my first gun it will be really helpfull
ICYDRAGON - 2 years ago
Do you use green gas guns
SkumMagz - 2 years ago
With the fire, what if somebody started shooting it
zahidan808_ - 2 years ago
4:15 lag 999+
saved ink
saved ink - 2 years ago
Great news the Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon accept him as your lord and Saviour believe your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus died for you you will be saved
Valinar - 2 years ago
Woulda been great if he punched the fall and dropped a grenade in
Joe The Turtle
Joe The Turtle - 2 years ago
Cason Thompson
Cason Thompson - 2 years ago
Wag u a cool guy
Joseph Joestar
Joseph Joestar - 2 years ago
Some people that are cheating might just not feel the bullets because of the vests
Or they have like armour on their legs. Either way they shouldn't cheat.
そなんですか? בריאן
そなんですか? בריאן - 2 years ago
Use a real gun. Ends the cheating problem. Or just play real guns in the range like a man.
GNxM16 - 2 years ago
My intestines hurt after watching g that m203
Mike Deosaran
Mike Deosaran - 2 years ago
That’s how I take BBs lol
恋愛漫画の動画いいよな尊い好き - 2 years ago
Matthew Boyd
Matthew Boyd - 2 years ago
I love your videos they're the best I've ever seen
Neos_ YT
Neos_ YT - 2 years ago
Где русские?
sad sneeki boi
sad sneeki boi - 2 years ago
i haven't tried airsoft myself
but i am a very nice guy not like the one that screams in his mic and be toxic i accept defeat unless its from a cheater
Car Garz
Car Garz - 2 years ago
I play airsoft with a fire extinguisher in my bag wish i was ther to stop the fire

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